The U.P. Deserves Better Energy Choices

Yoopers have a unique way of life with our own set of challenges. The central Upper Peninsula is at risk from a monopoly source for propane. When you send this email, you can participate in the discussion by calling for more energy choices. Help chart a course that will make us more independent, better protect the environment, create better jobs, and can save us money.

Your Input Matters

Michigan’s Governor Whitmer created the U.P. Energy Task Force to assess the U.P.’s overall energy needs;  formulate alternative energy solutions with a focus on security, reliability, affordability, and environmental soundness; and to identify and evaluate potential changes that could occur to energy supply and distribution in the U.P. 
Public input is needed to shape this discussion.

Draft Propane Supply Report

The draft Propane Supply Report from the Task Force was released to the public on March 20, 2020. Public comment is open until April 6, 2020. Read the report now.


The U.P. Is At Risk

When Upper Peninsula citizens rely on getting our propane from a monopoly supplier, we are at risk from disruption, market forces, and adverse weather conditions like the 2014 polar vortex when propane prices skyrocketed. The Task Force is looking at ways to protect consumers from these threats.

Submit Your Comment Now

Use the email form above to participate in the official public comment process. Your comment will be immediately sent to the Task Force via email. 

Facts About the U.P. Propane Supply

The Eastern U.P. gets its propane by rail from the Canadian Soo, and the Western U.P. gets its propane by truck from Wisconsin. Enbridge delivers natural gas liquids for the Central U.P. via Line 5 to Rapid River.

Another company, Plains All-American, extracts propane from the natural gas liquids, and the balance is reinjected into Line 5 to continue on its way to Sarnia, Canada. Only 1/2 of 1% of the volume of Line 5 stays in the U.P. Enbridge Line 5 delivers only 15% of Michigan’s propane.

Over the next year, the Task Force is exploring other ways to provide the energy the U.P. needs. Their first report focuses on propane.

About This Effort

We are ensuring that Yoopers have a say in the U.P. energy discussion instead of only industry and the utilities. Michigan’s Upper Peninsula has some of the highest energy costs in the U.S. 

The state public service commission typically regulates monopoly energy suppliers. For example, UPPCO is a regulated utility because it is the sole supplier of electricity to the places it serves. However, propane is currently not regulated by the state and is subject to price-fixing and interruption, intentional or not.

Ensuring that Yoopers have a say over their energy supply is essential as the state explores the decommissioning of Enbridge Line 5 so that alternatives can be in place.

Interfaith Northern Great Lakes Water Stewards is a four-year initiative organized with representatives of faith communities to work in partnership with environmental organizations and American Indian tribes to protect, preserve, and sanctify the lakes and streams of the Northern Great Lakes basin.

The Cedar Tree Institute is a nonprofit organization, based in the Upper Peninsula, that provides services and initiates projects in the areas of mental health, religion, and the environment.